Bernard Schirmer, an offensive lineman for Mt. San Antonio College was arrested mid-game for punching and knocking out an official.
Captured on video, above, is one of the worst things you’ll ever witness on the football field.
According to Heather Navarro of NBA Los Angeles, Bernard Schirmer, an offensive lineman for the visiting Mt. San Antonio college, was arrested mid-game for punching and knocking out an official.
The Junior College game was hosted by Ventura County Community College in Ventura, California.
Looking at the footage closely, it’s easy to see that the official was a little too aggressive in this situation. He had Schirmer wrapped up and away from any possible confrontation with the opposition. He could have let go way earlier.
No matter though. There is simply no excuse for Schirmer’s actions. It was a disgusting display regardless of the circumstances.
VIDEO: Mt. SAC lineman punches referee between plays at Ventura College (video by @SoCalCollegeSpo) @scfafootball
— VCStar CollegeSports (@vcscolleges) September 11, 2016