What makes New York City such a great place to spend time? Well, at any given moment, you can see a NYC cyclist riding around while balancing a freakin’ refrigerator on his head.
I thought this was a joke at first, but that bad boy sure looks real, doesn’t it?
Strongest neck in the world @BarstoolNYC (via:Michaelsutarov/ig) pic.twitter.com/X8ej33g8OL
— Barstool Sports (@barstoolsports) September 3, 2023
That’s one helluva talent right there. I’m not even sure how you take advantage of something like this, but he needs to. If he’s not on “America’s Got Talent” at some point in the near future, then something is wrong. Unless he was already on the show. I don’t watch it religiously, so I couldn’t tell you.
The only real questions I have are…what was the preparation like for this? How many people had to help him get this thing on his head? Also, did he start balancing the fridge before or after he got on the bike?
Even if AGT isn’t in this dude’s future, he’s had the pleasure of going viral on the internet. That counts for something! This clip was originally featured on @michaelsutarov, which has more than 14,000 followers. At the time of this writing, the original video is approaching 430,000 likes and has been played more than 17 million times.
And rightfully so, because this is just madness. My entire body is about to snap just from watching this.
For whatever reason, the clip reminds me of a young Steven Matz spinning various household objects on his finger while watching TV:
That’s also quite the talent, but I think being able to balance a fridge on your head while riding a damn bicycle beats him. Heck, it beats just about everything (if not everything).
New York City, folks — you never know what you’re going to see while walking down the street. This is better than potentially getting caught in a fight near a row of port-a-pottys, too.
You can reach Matt Musico at matt.musico@xlmedia.com. You can follow him on Twitter: @mmusico8.