It’s moments like these – watching Nathan Honaker score a basket – that truly capture our heart and remind us why we keep sports close to our soul.
By Robby Sabo
Nathan Honaker is a 14-year old kid. One who loves the sport of basketball.
That’s why he’s served as manager for the Lakeview (Pickerington, Ohio) Junior High School’s Basketball squad for the last two seasons. And for those who enjoyed the privilege of playing on your school’s basketball team, you know how critical the manager is.
He’s the support, the backbone of the entire bench.
That’s why Honaker just received his much deserved moment in the sun. He finally got that chance to live out his dream and lead his squad onto the court as captain (video above).
Not only that, but Nathan even scored an official basket, bringing the house down crashing down in applause:
special moment for our amazing team manager ❤️?
— em (@emmmgrace_) January 27, 2016
This, the final game of the Panthers season, took place on Tuesday, and prior to the game the players asked coach Wippel if Nathan could suit up as captain.
“All I know is, Nathan deserves all the opportunities afforded to him,” Coach Wippel told Bleacher Report. “He is a great kid with an awesome personality who deserved his chance.”

Coach Wippel made sure to give all credit to the kids who made this very special moment happen.
“I have never been so proud of a group of kids I have coached! They understand that it is more about life than basketball. They have embraced Nathan from the first day of practice.
“Nathan brings so much joy, and spirit each and every day he is there. Sometimes, the kids want to play with Nathan more than they do practice because they like him so much.”
Now Nathan has one more notch to his belt on top of his Special Olympic triumphs the entire school has been privy to since he was eight years old. Nathan competes in such as events as swimming, basketball, bowling, and track).