Some lucky basketball campers got the surprise of a lifetime ?
— GoldenStateWarriors (@warriors) July 5, 2016
Forget Kevin Durant. Let’s get on to the good stuff as it pertains to the Golden State Warriors: Stephen Curry making kids pass out.
I’m sure you’ve heard by now. Kevin Durant has made his big announcement.He will play for the Golden State Warriors this coming season.
Forget that news though. Let’s focus on more important things. Important things like reigning NBA MVP Stephen Curry surprising kids to an absurd degree.
Check out the video above. The Dubs posted a video on their Twitter timeline of Curry surprising kids at a basketball camp.
Kids who opened the door were greeting by none other than the Chef. Check out the first kid. He literally collapsed backwards at the sight of Curry.
I think it might be safe to say this was the same reaction Warrior fans had on Monday once it was revealed that Durant would be joining Curry this upcoming season.