Former Baltimore Ravens great, Ray Lewis, speaks out on the Baltimore Riots the only way he knows how to: very passionately.
By Robby Sabo
Follow @EliteSportsNY
Say what you want about Ray Lewis, on most occasions he take the time out of his day to speak on important topics.
Sure, is it okay to not like the guy due to his murder troubles 15 years ago? Is it proper to wonder if he was wrongly excused in that ugly, violent case involving his good friends?
Of course that’s okay.
Nobody deserves a pass when such troubles are thrust upon them. Especially when thrust upon them while in such an extremely bright public spotlight.
On Tuesday, Lewis spoke passionately about the current situation in Baltimore. From people looting business, burning down buildings, and setting our country back even further than it already is, the Baltimore Riots is what Lewis was concerned with today.
I’ve got a message for the rioters in Baltimore. #BaltimoreRiots
Posted by Ray Lewis on Tuesday, April 28, 2015