Former NC State guard Alex “Superman” Johnson pulled a timeless, romantic act in such a surprising and thrilling fashion.
By Robby Sabo
We’ve all seen the scenarios played out.
Whether it’s in France, Australia or the United States; the park, the living room, or in the stands at a baseball stadium; the scenarios are all different and complicated, but the act remains the same.
This act is one that sees the man go on one knee and present a ring to his lady of choice.
Now, we can safely say we have a new scenario for this timeless act we’ve all come to familiarize ourselves with.
Former N.C. State guard Alex “Superman” Johnson was playing a one-on-one game with another former collegiate in Brey Dorsett.
Dorsett, who’s also Johnson’s current girlfriend, was actually getting trounced. With onlookers wondering why Superman was taking it so rough on his girlfriend, Brey, herself, was probably thinking about how to dump this guy who was smearing her ass in what was supposed to be a friendly contest.
However, fate took a tidy turn as Johnson proposed to Dorsett right there on the court.
Even worse was the faking of the injury. A simply magnificent strategy, if I may say so myself.
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