Tampa Bay Lightning forward Tyler Johnson woke up today with quite the surprise in his inbox, and on his voice mail, and on social media.
By Robby Sabo
Imagine waking up with a loaded inbox of emails, texts and voice mails all asking you the question “did you see that?”
This is what Tampa Bay Lightning forward Tyler Johnson contended with this morning thanks to a random girl who spoke on Jimmy Kimmel Live last night.
In response to the question “what’s the most impressive thing you’ve ever done,” the woman admitted to cheating on her boyfriend. She also admitted the reason was quite simple: because he is a famous professional athlete.
But she knew better than to name names. She only let the initials, the sport, and the team he played for out of the bag.
The interviewer figured it out pretty quickly.
In response, Johnson had this to say:
“I have no idea who she is or why what was said was said. People can talk but (that) doesn’t mean it’s true.’’ – Johnson #tblightning
— Erik Erlendsson (@erlendssonTBO) October 6, 2015
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