Aaron Rodgers was never going to be on Radio Row to kick off Super Bowl week. One, because it’s hard to believe he has any interest in gracing it with his presence. And two, because if he did, he’d never be there on a Monday. Mondays are reserved for Z-listers.
However, we will be able to hear from the potential future Jets quarterback on Monday as Super Bowl week begins. You just have to log into this … free astrology class.
[Rodgers is] the guest speaker at an astrological event. A “masterclass,” if you will. Specifically, an Astrological Immersion Party aimed at helping the participant “fall in love . . . with YOU” through the “ancient science of astrology.”
During the conference, participants will “[d]iscover how Aaron Rodgers has fallen in love with his fate and uses it to have confidence without validation or approval and how you can, too.”
It looks to be totally legitimate and real and absolutely not a hoax, even if it may seem that way. And that’s fine. People can do whatever they think they need to do and/or believe whatever they need to believe to achieve happiness. We all deserve it, and it’s one of our fundamental rights as American citizens to have the ability to pursue it.
Mike Florio is feeling patriotic this morning. Anyway, it appears to be free to sign up for the class led by Debra Silverman, who “over the past 46-plus years of professional experience and private practice … has helped thousands of individuals achieve emotional health and wisdom based on their unique personality and the four elements: Water, Air, Earth, and Fire.” Page Six previously reported Silverman is Rodgers’ astrologist. So that is further confirmation it is the real deal. So let’s see if the stars are telling Rodgers he belongs in Florham Park.
James Kratch can be reached at james.kratch@xlmedia.com. Follow him on Twitter @jameskratch.