Former New York Giants wide receiver Mark Ingram Sr. wants to be released from prison early due to coronavirus fears.
An interesting tidbit regarding the coronavirus pandemic is the fact that it’s causing numerous incarcerated individuals to find a way towards early release. Convicts with certain medical conditions are attempting to utilize this real-life “get out of jail free” card. If granted early release, one would likely just serve the rest of his or her term in home confinement.
One of the latest to try is ex-New York Giants wide receiver Mark Ingram Sr. With 11 months remaining on a 21-month sentence due to multiple parole violations, the retired pro’s lawyer is citing his client’s dementia and additional health-related issues as means for him to return home. He previously experienced a nine-year stint behind bars for a number of crimes, including drug money laundering, bank fraud, and bail jumping.
Nonetheless, federal prosecutors aren’t exactly buying into it, as they believe there are other inmates who deserve early release before him.
“At age 54, Ingram is not elderly and therefore in the high risk group. Ingram’s alleged dementia does not increase his susceptibility to COVID-19,” prosecutors wrote in a 23-page argument which was initially reported by Robert Snell of The Detroit News. “And even assuming Ingram’s asthma increases his risk, there are undoubtedly other inmates whose medical conditions are more dire and who are more at risk from COVID-19 — and whose evaluation and potential release should take priority over Ingram’s. Ingram should not be permitted to cut in front of those other, more vulnerable inmates.”
Yes, Ingram is the father of Ravens running back Mark Ingram Jr., a three-time Pro Bowler and the 2009 Heisman Trophy winner.
Ingram Sr., 54, played 10 seasons in the league, six of which were with the Giants (1987-92). He was a part of the 1990 team that ousted the Buffalo Bills in Super Bowl 25.