Some players want to slim down to prepare for the upcoming season. Not New York Jets DL Henry Anderson who is bulking up to play a huge role this season.
“It’s not nearly as fun as it sounds.”
Okay, let’s get that on the table right away. Per The Athletic’s Connor Hughes, it isn’t necessarily easier than slimming down. At least that’s what New York Jets DL Henry Anderson is telling us.
Anderson is bulking up in order to help the new-look Jets overcome some of the struggles they had on defense last season. Mainly, though, he’s doing it in order to move from his regularly-played 4-3 defensive end spot on the edge to the interior as a 3-4 DE in New York.
In order to do so, he has to be pretty rigid on his diet.
And he’s definitely right … it certainly doesn’t sound that fun.
“Everyone always says how they would love to have to gain weight, but it’s not like that,” Anderson said, per Hughes. “It’s become more of a task that requires constant attention.”
So what exactly does Anderson eat? Because it seems like even though he says it’s a task, gorging on delicious, fatty foods without fear of weight gain sounds like a dream come true for almost everyone.
“Now, trying to gain weight, I can’t just go out and eat burgers and pizzas every night,” Anderson said per Hughes. “So I’m still eating chicken, rice and vegetables … I’m just eating it all the time. I’m constantly eating.”
And what exactly will that do for Anderson?
Anderson spent three seasons on the Indianapolis Colts prior to being traded to the Jets this offseason and was asked to lose weight during his time there. So I guess he’s just making up for lost weight.
The 26-year-old currently weighs in at 301 pounds, per, so what will that make him around the season’s start? I don’t know about poundage but he’ll certainly look much more dominant out there on the field.
Time will tell but it seems like Henry Anderson will certainly be a big presence on the field after his latest offseason regimen.