New York Giants suspect Steelers used under-inflated footballs

The New York Giants suspected the Pittsburgh Steelers of doing their best ‘Deflate-gate’ impression last week.

Jay Glazer of Fox Sports noted that the New York Giants alerted the NFL that the Pittsburgh Steelers used footballs that were below the proper PSI levels last week.

Before the sports world decided to have a complete meltdown with a potential Deflate-gate part two, the NFL resolved the situation.

Although the Giants made the league aware of the under-inflated balls, no formal complaint was actually filed.

A crisis was definitely averted. The Giants likely will have enough difficulty locking down a spot in the playoffs, let alone dealing with another under-inflated football scandal.

The New England Patriots have been associated with their fair share of controversies over the years, but to see two model franchises like the G-men and Steelers involved in this kind of lunacy is somewhat unusual. Both teams have more important things to worry about than the air pressure in a couple of footballs.

Could you imagine what the media coverage would be like if this happened again? It was brutal enough during the first go round and it’s hard to imagine any other type of news surpassing a second Deflate-gate like scandal.

Thankfully, the Giants did not file a claim. They simply notified the NFL of the PSI levels of the footballs. Over the course of a game, strong, athletic, professional athletes assert their will while gripping footballs. Combined with cooler weather, it’s not crazy to see why the balls could have measured under the legal levels.

Central jersey born and bred. Monmouth University alumnus. Sports are not games, rather ways of life. Twitter: @Gcam92 Contact: