With an interesting decision to make at the No. 6 slot in the NFL Draft, New York Jets general manager Mike Maccagnan comes up large.
By Robby Sabo
Until you’ve actually been in the situation, you have no idea what it feels like.
None of us have even the slightest of clues.
What we’re discussing is being the man in charge of an NFL Draft War Room. The guy who has final say on the name that goes on that little card which ultimately ends up in the hands of Roger Goodell at the 2015 NFL Draft podium.
This position, of decision maker, isn’t just as simple as selecting the next member of your team, it determines futures of so many in the NFL business. Jobs, money, fate – all of it can change based on one fantastic pick, or horrible miss.
So, as New York Jets first-year general manager Mike Maccagnan was staring at his first big-time decision in the business last night in Chicago, he felt something most of us will never feel…..
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