buck showalter mets
Dale Zanine-USA TODAY Sports

There are few things better in this world than a solid baseball hat that supports your favorite team. I’ve never been much of a fan of mash-ups when it comes to hats, though. Call me old-fashioned, but that’s the way I am. However, I’m pretty sure the vast majority of Mets fans never want to see this Braves-themed hat ever again.

Reddit user someimtes_a_dog pointed it out and now I can’t erase it from my memory. Since I’m scarred for life, I’m going to bring you down with me:

who would wear this awful, cursed thing? why would they make this?!
by u/sometimes_a_dog in NewYorkMets

I agree with the title of this post wholeheartedly. Even if there was a market for a hat like this, there’s no way it’s large enough to actually produce this product, right?

And who knows what other team colors this is? I suppose it could be the Braves, Cardinals, or Red Sox. But still, my first thought was Atlanta when I laid my eyes on this hideous thing, and I’ll never be able to get it out of my head. Someone in the comments mentioned that it looks similar to the Negro League’s New York Cubans hat, which is cool. But it’s just not good enough, folks. You can spend $60 on eBay if you want to have it. That’s way too much money, and I don’t care how “rare” of an item it is.

This might come in handy if you’re a Mets fan attending a Braves game at Truist Park. Like, you could probably wear this and mostly blend in without many realizing it’s actually a Mets hat. That’s literally the only benefit I can see from getting a hat like this. Which, I obviously will never be doing, and neither should you.

You can reach Matt Musico at matt.musico@xlmedia.com. You can follow him on Twitter: @mmusico8.

Matt Musico is an editor for ESNY. He’s been writing about baseball and the Mets for the past decade. His work has been featured on numberFire, MetsMerized Online, Bleacher Report, and Yahoo! Sports.