New York Yankees radio voice, WFAN’s John Sterling, emotionally calls the final out of Game 5 of the ALDS in Cleveland.
As a New York Yankees fan, certain realities are accepted.
For one, the SNY booth comprised of Gary Cohen, Keith Hernandez and Ron Darling outright destroys the sluggishness of Michael Kay and his 25 associates over at the Yanks home, the YES Network.
Secondly, Bombers fans understand the pros and cons of radio voice John Sterling.
Sterling, the longtime voice of the 27-time world champs is now on WFAN doing the same things he’s always done: screwing up calls.
Aaron Hicks could hit a double in the gap and while your driving, you think he just smacked one towards the upper-deck thanks to Sterling’s call. Derek Jeter could have just bunted yet you think, thanks to your position on Earth in your vehicle, he just swung away on 3-0.
That’s just who Sterling is. He isn’t the classic “paint you a picture” play-by-play guy. Instead, he’s a diehard Yankees fan at heart who has fun with his work. From nicknames on home runs to the “Yankeeeeeees Win,” we all know Sterling.
Love him or hate him.
Nonetheless, an emotional Sterling called the last out of the Yankees 5-2 victory in Game 5 of the ALDS over the Cleveland Indians on Wednesday night:
As you can plainly hear, Sterling couldn’t help but be caught up in the glorious moment.