The New York Rangers inconsistent play is driving fans crazy, and discussions about the team is full of excuses.
By Chris Wengert
The New York Rangers have successfully sent their fan base into a state of despair and confusion with their latest play.
At least that is what you would think by the way Ranger fans are cannibalizing each other on various social platforms.
The pattern is a predictable one, and something all fans and writers fall into as the team goes through the ebbs and flows of a hockey season.
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When the Rangers are playing well, fans hold civil discussions about the team and it’s players.
These discussions may be centered around tweaks the team could make in personnel, or various Tanner Glass jokes.
Lately though, most of the discussion has been centered around the question “What is wrong with this team?”.
New York Rangers: What Is Wrong With This Team?
While this subject has been discussed ad nauseam, the answers fit into two groups: excuses and legitimate problems.
The two are often hard to differentiate, but we are going to debunk the most common excuses for the Rangers’ play and discuss the real issues.