steve cohen mets
Gregory Fisher | USA TODAY Sports

As the Mets continue to flounder and fall further behind in the postseason chase, many fans have likely been wondering the same thing: What is Steve Cohen thinking right now? Is he really going to let this ride out? Or, will he make some changes to hopefully get the Mets going again?

The man himself is going to give us some answers on Wednesday afternoon before New York’s game against the Milwaukee Brewers:

You’d have to imagine this will be appointment-watching for Mets fans in desperate need of action to be taken. But will it just be an opportunity for Cohen to once again preach patience and the fact that the Mets have the personnel currently in place to turn this around?

I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. But let’s not forget that owning the Mets isn’t just a business endeavor for Cohen. He’s a lifelong fan and is as connected to this team as anyone else on an emotional level. Plus, I get mad when I spend $20 on something and it doesn’t work how I’m expecting it to. Can you imagine what that feels like after spending $350-plus million (plus another $100 million in luxury tax)?

Yea, I’d imagine the man is pretty frustrated/upset/whatever you want to call it right now. I’m sure we’ll see some of that emotion and frustration come out when he speaks with the media on Wednesday. But he’s also quite focused on being the “anti-George Steinbrenner” and Cohen has already mentioned how he’s not planning on blowing up when things aren’t going well.

So, who knows what exactly this press conference will bring on Wednesday? Could people be performing for their jobs on Tuesday night at Citi Field? That’s anyone’s guess at this point.

You can reach Matt Musico at You can follow him on Twitter: @mmusico8.

Matt Musico is an editor for ESNY. He’s been writing about baseball and the Mets for the past decade. His work has been featured on numberFire, MetsMerized Online, Bleacher Report, and Yahoo! Sports.