It’s that time of year again. Tim Tebow dons a New York Mets uniform and gets ready to chase a dream that he likely won’t fulfill.
Tim Tebow took to the field at spring training for the New York Mets in Port St. Lucie on Friday. He rotated in during the outfield drills as the 32-year-old looks to improve his defense.
The Tebow experience has or hasn’t been a success depending on how you view it.
Tebow hasn’t been a very good baseball player. He’ll likely never reach majors on merit. He only hit .163/.240/.255 in Triple-A in 2019. That’s with the explosive offensive outburst that came in Triple-A with the juiced ball. That’s not what a future major league player hits.
It’s very unlikely that Tebow ever plays in a game for the Mets. So, from that standpoint, the experiment has been a massive failure.
However, the contract has been a boon for ticket sales. Tebow simply sells more tickets than the average minor leaguer. He’s driven up sales at every stop he’s made in the minor leagues. That shouldn’t come as a surprise.
People don’t want to go to games if they have no idea who’s on the field. They want to see people they know. Tebow is certainly a guy that people in New York and Florida know.
The Wilpons have been able to profit off of Tebow’s name recognition from his football days. From that standpoint, the experiment has been a major success.
Whatever you think about the Tebow signing, he’s not going anywhere. He wants to play baseball and he’s bringing in too many ticket sales for the Wilpons to tell cut him loose.