According to Ian Begley of ESPN, New York Knicks President Phil Jackson was hands on with the team’s guards when teaching the triangle.
There are 17 games left in the 2016-17 NBA season. New York Knicks President Phil Jackson has decided he wants to get involved. Most people would say he’s overstepping.
Most people would say Jackson overstepped when he was reportedly teaching New York’s guards his infamous triangle offense.
Via Ian Begley of ESPN:
If you’re looking for more evidence that the Knicks are committed to running the triangle: team president Phil Jackson was teaching some Knicks guards the offense for about a half hour before an informal team workout yesterday, per league sources. It seems clear that Jackson is intent on running the triangle, as sources with knowledge of the workout told ESPN that he was hands on in instructing the offense with Knicks guards before the workout. Jeff Hornacek has acknowledged that the team has run more often triangle lately. He says he welcomes Jackson’s input, but a team president conducting a workout with players is not the norm around the NBA.
Head coach Jeff Hornacek later confirmed Begley’s report. Even a Hall of Fame coach getting involved to that extent must be strange, but Hornacek appears to be taking it all in stride. He had to know this would be part of the territory when he took the job.
Frank Isola comically points out that the idea that the “fed-up” Carmelo Anthony was at the so-called triangle clinic. It was just the guards, right?
What about Derrick Rose? He hasn’t been shy in his criticisms of the triangle. It’s hard to believe he was there.
This does prove one thing, though. Jackson is committed to the triangle. So much so that he’s willing to get involved to teach it and with his track record in New York, that’s saying a lot.