5) Keeps Team Afloat

Last but not least, even when the Mets were struggling in the middle of this season, Collins prevented the Mets from digging even deeper. He kept them above .500 and in the division race despite having one of the worst offenses at that time. Once Sandy made the acquisitions, the Mets took off.

In past years, Collins was able to take less talented Mets teams and keep them competitive by overachieving in the first half.

He knows how to get the most out of his team and when he finally received a talented team took full advantage.

Other than God, sports are my biggest love. My teams are the Mets, Knicks, NY Giants, NY Rangers and St Johns basketball (St. John's alumni). I especially love the Mets like crazy, more than any other team and seeing them win the World Series would be a dream come true and definitely the best sports moment. The Knicks are a close second. I also like to write, so combine that with my passion for sports equals a perfect scenario, I would love to do sports writing long term. If not that, then probably sports broadcasting, cause I love to talk sports as well. In addition to writing for ESNY, I'm also currently writing for Metsmerizedonline.