Clint Frazier
Emilee Chinn/Getty Images

New York Yankees outfielder Clint Frazier pokes fun at the Houston Astros sign-stealing scandal on a recent Twitch stream.

This is top-notch stuff from Clint Frazier. New York Yankees fans are all-in on bashing the Houston Astros after The Athletic’s report of sign-stealing and Jomboy’s subsequent video reviews.

The Astros used a camera in centerfield to pick up the opposing catcher’s signs and relay that information to the batter in real-time. It’s a bad look for Houston and by extension, the MLB.

Frazier was on Twitch, a popular live video game streaming service, and started banging on a trash can, obviously trolling Houston. The Astros used banging to signify what pitch was coming.

“Two bangs, slider. Alright, curveball is coming. Heater. Alright, I’m about to hit a home run because I know what pitch is coming,” Frazier joked.

After a somewhat disappointing season spent mostly in Triple-A, this is one way for Frazier to endear himself to the Yankee faithful. This is just expert-level trolling from the young outfielder.

Exactly what the MLB plans to do to the Astros is still unknown. There’s irrefutable evidence that there was a consistent pattern of cheating going on in Houston, but the fallout is still unclear.

Additionally, we don’t know how widespread this issue is across baseball. It’s fair to believe that if the Astros were going to these lengths to cheat, other teams were using the same—or at the very least, similar tactics to gain an edge.

Either way, Frazier has to clean up some of his Call of Duty gameplay. He can’t be getting deleted like that. Can I get an F in chat?

Commercial content writer for Sportradar. Never had the makings of a varsity athlete.