While most of the nation is getting sick and tired of this saga known as Deflate-Gate, here are five reasons Tom Brady’s denial is nuts.
By Armando Perez
The NFL has upheld its suspension ruling on Tom Brady. This means the New England Patriots will be without their Hall of Fame quarterback for four painful games due to his uncooperative nature during the Ted Wells Deflate-Gate investigation.
Here are 5 questions that need to be answered: Sorry New England fans, but you simply can’t handle the truth here.
1. Why was the ball-boy called the Deflator?
When it came out that some referenced Jim McNally as the “deflator,” the Patriots said, “It was because he was losing weight.
McNally, himself, texted “I am the deflator.”
If he was talking about himself losing weight, he would say I am the deflateeee (not a real word but you get the point) not the deflator. The deflator takes air out of an object. A deflateee would be someone who loses weight.
I have personally trained and coached college and professional athletes most of my adult life. Never in the history of the world has anyone used this terminology to lose weight.
2. Why did Brady deflect so much?
When asked, “can you answer your fans, Is Tom Brady a cheater?” Brady smiled and said, I don’t believe so.”
Now, if someone asked me, “do you cheat on your girlfriend, or in your profession?” I would answer them with an emphatic no! As a matter of fact I would be offended by the question and say, “don’t ever ask me that again, because I don’t cheat.” Brady just didn’t look believable here.
3. Why does Brady’s suspension mirror Greg Hardy’s?
Every Patriots fan in the country is bringing this up. Hardy brutally beat a woman and got a received a four-game suspension. New England Fans are saying the penalty for Hardy shouldn’t be the same as it is for Brady.
Let me be clear here, what Hardy and Ray Rice did was inexcusable.
I think all professional sports should have a no tolerance policy when it comes to domestic violence. If you hit your partner in an act of violence you should be suspended one-year without pay. If you are a repeat offender you should be banned for life. But one has nothing to do with the other.
Fans using this as an example is like a teenager coming home two hours past curfew and when his parents punish him he says, “Why are you punishing me when my brother got an F on his test.”
Two different issues, both deserving of a reprimand. Also, what Hardy and Rice did was off the field, it had nothing to do with the outcome of an NFL game. By having deflated balls the Patriots gained a competitive advantage.
4. Why did Brady break his phone?
If I was trying to clear my name I would hold on to any evidence I had to prove my innocence, he didn’t do that here.
5. Why does the NFL have it out for New England?
This is the dumbest argument ever. The NFL wants their golden boy, Brady on the field. The NFL wants the Patriots in the playoffs because it drives advertisers and ratings. In a recent survey, the Patriots were rated the most hated team in the NFL. (It used to be the Dallas Cowboys) This means that the casual fan will watch when New England is on national TV. The NFL wants New England to do well, just like the NBA wants LeBron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers to do well because it makes them more money.
Does this destroy Brady’s legacy, New England “haters” will say yes, New England supporters will say no.
To me Brady will go down as one of the top five greatest quarterbacks to ever play the game. There is an old saying, “Sometimes you have to lose the battle to win the war.” Brady should just miss the first four games of the season and move on.
The Patriots started last year with a 2-2 record and won the Super Bowl. Brady will come back with a vengeance and prepare his team for another long post season run
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