In the immediate aftermath of the Yankees’ lackluster trade deadline, we saw our first of likely many “Fire Cashman” signs at Yankee Stadium. That same fan was back for more on Wednesday night. Apparently, he had a goal in mind: to get his sign on the broadcast.

He got thrown out while trying to make that happen:

Unfortunately, it didn’t seem like his sign made it onto the YES broadcast. That’s what one Twitter user said in the comments of this tweet, at least. The message was received, though, and fans in the stands certainly enjoyed the whole scene.

When this “Fire Cashman” sign made its first appearance on Tuesday evening, people were hoping Stadium security wouldn’t take it away. (You know, like how the Oakland A’s are dealing with unhappy fans about them moving to Las Vegas.) He said this in response to those comments:

So, he obviously knew what he was doing by setting up shop as the inning was about to start. Even if people were annoyed that their view was obstructed briefly, they probably still enjoyed it because most Yankees fans are thinking some version of the same thing.

Whether it’s Cashman, Aaron Boone, or something else, Yankees fans are tired of the same old bologna. And it’s not like missing the playoffs would lead to some overdue sweeping changes within the organization.

But maybe it will if that actually happens. I guess we’ll just have to wait and find out. While we do, someone else needs to bring a “Fire Cashman” sign to the Stadium to take this guy’s place.

You can reach Matt Musico at You can follow him on Twitter: @mmusico8.