For those who remember Michelle Roque’s antics from a year ago, she’s now back juking everybody again in flag football.

By Robby Sabo

Do you remember Michelle Roque? If you do, then you still might be in love.

In November of 2014 she and her flag football team comprised of Florida State Delta Gamma members posted a YouTube video of her putting on one of the nastier jukes of all-time.

The highlight made many major publications.

Well, guess what? She’s back and better than ever.

In fact, she’s tearing it up on the turf so much in 2015 that the team actually created her own personal highlight video (video above).

And by the way, forget these jukes being put on just girls. This is coed flag football, so the boys are getting embarrassed by Roque just as much as the ladies are.

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