New York Giants wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr. was robbed of personal belongings while in Houston for Super Bowl weekend.

While in town covering the Super Bowl as a pregame commentator for ESPN, it seems as if New York Giants wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr. was robbed of some of his valuable personal belongings. 

According to Dan Benton of Page Six, a source close to the Giants is reporting that Beckham left a bag of belongings at a friend’s house which was broken into and stolen. The bag didn’t reportedly contain anything too “pricey”, but it did have some pairs of shoes as well as some clothes.

The local police in Houston claim that OBJ has not filed any police reports as of yet, who may be trying to figure out all of the details before he does so.

This is not the only robbery case during Super Bowl weekend, Tom Brady‘s game worn jersey which is supposedly worth over $500,000 has still not been found, but could potentially be in the team’s equipment truck.

Maybe a lesson that everyone should learn for next year’s Super Bowl is that valuable items need to be kept in much better circumstances so cases like these do not happen again.

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