It’s easy to be excited as a Jets fan right now. Bringing in Aaron Rodgers to be New York’s starting quarterback will do that. But even with a disappointing 7-10 season in 2022, there were plenty of bright spots. One of them was the Defensive Rookie of the Year, cornerback Sauce Gardner.

How excited are people about Sauce’s second year in the league? So much so that some are using their high school yearbook quote to profess their love for him. Well, just one guy is. He might start a trend, though.

Many of us remember having the opportunity to attach some kind of motivational or profound quote underneath our senior picture. Instead of adding something cliche, this Jets fan decided to remind everyone of the best sentence Roger Goodell has ever uttered:

via @patwinters77/Twitter

It took Gardner a while to see it, but he obviously approves:

Not all heroes wear capes, folks. Sometimes, they wear a suit with a red tie. It’s too bad he didn’t go all the way with this by having a green tie. To cut this kid some slack, though, taking his senior picture and submitting a quote for the yearbook probably happened at two totally different times.

I think my senior picture happened sometime in the fall, which probably would’ve been only about a month into football season. There’s no doubt Henry was already loving Sauce Gardner. But, he was probably only on his way to being head over heels for the next Darrelle Revis at that point. By the time he had to submit a quote to be included with his picture, this was probably one of the easiest decisions he made throughout his high school career.

You can reach Matt Musico at You can follow him on Twitter: @mmusico8.