Only the best for the best—is how we introduce our DraftKings Super Bowl Promo Code. Simply creating a new DraftKings Sportsbook account and placing a first-time bet of at least $5 is all that’s required to get your hands on a guaranteed $200 instant bonus for Super Bowl 58.

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21+ and present in participating states. Gambling problem? Call 1-800-GAMBLER.

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To pounce on this rare and extremely worthwhile offer, click on our DraftKings Promo Code offer HERE, create a new DraftKings Sportsbook account, and make a first-time bet of at least $5 on Super Bowl 58 featuring the Kansas City Chiefs and San Francisco 49ers.

Once your first-time bet registers, DraftKings Sportsbook floods your new account with a $200 bonus, fully guaranteed, whether your first bet wins or loses. It’s that simple to begin your DraftKings Sportsbook journey with a $200 head start.

DraftKings Super Bowl Promo Code: How Do I Claim the $200 Bonus?

Better than the $200 bonus itself is the ease with which our DraftKings Promo Code can be acquired.

As incredible as it sounds, it takes just a quick guideline en route to beginning your DraftKings Sportsbook journey with a solid $200 in bonus bets in tow.

  1. Firstly, click on our DraftKings Super Bowl Promo Code Offer.
  2. Once you’ve arrived at DraftKings Sportsbook—either the web browser version (if using a desktop device) or the mobile app (if using a mobile device)—locate and select the SIGN UP button that appears in front of an orange-colored background.
  3. Next, provide the required information needed to establish your safe and secure DraftKings Sportsbook account (i.e. legal name, last four digits of your social security number, email, etc.).
  4. Select the current state in which you’re currently located, and confirm it via DraftKings Sportsbook’s easy-to-use geolocation technology.
  5. Make an initial deposit of at least $10.
  6. Make a first-time bet on the Super Bowl of at least $5.

Once your first bet triggers, your new DraftKings Sportsbook account will be met with a $200 bonus—broken up into eight $25 increments. And this bonus arrives no matter what happens with your first-time sports wager.

DraftKings Super Bowl Promo Code Available States

One of the many things DraftKings Sportsbook has going for it is its widescale availability. In totality, the best DraftKings Super Bowl Promo Code is available in over 20 states:

  1. New York
  2. New Jersey
  3. Pennsylvania
  4. Connecticut
  5. Arizona
  6. Colorado
  7. Illinois
  8. Indiana
  9. Iowa
  10. Kansas
  11. Kentucky
  12. Louisiana
  13. Maryland
  14. Massachusetts
  15. Michigan
  16. New Hampshire
  17. Ohio
  18. Oregon
  19. Tennessee
  20. Virginia
  21. West Virginia
  22. Wyoming

North Carolina is set to become the 23rd state in which our DraftKings Promo Code operates, as the mid-March launch date looms.

Earn up to $1,250 in Bonuses with DraftKings Sportsbook


States: NY, NJ, PA, CT, AZ, CO, IA, IL, IN, KS, LA, MA, MD, MI, NH, OH, OR, TN, VA, WV, WY


The more crafty online sports bettors don’t have to stop at the Bet $5, Get $200 Instant Bonus. Incredibly, up to $1,250 in bonuses can be had for Super Bowl 58.

The $1,250 total is broken up into three separate pieces:

  1. Bet $5, Get $200 Instant Bonus (guaranteed)
  2. $50 Bet Bonus for a $5 deposit
  3. $1,000 Deposit Bonus

In addition to the bet-and-get bonus worth $200, $5 of your first deposit is turned into a $50 bet bonus. Furthermore, up to $1,000 can be awarded if enough money is deposited on the first try.

The deposit bonus rewards 20% of the first-time deposit.

Latest Super Bowl 58 DraftKings Sportsbook Odds

On the brink of kickoff, both the Kansas City Chiefs and San Francisco 49ers are feeling the nerves. Hey, it’s just part of the game. Only non-competitors can float through life without feeling some sort of nerve during certain nut-crunching times.

All we can do is provide the latest cold, hard facts en route to the opening kickoff. And, as of this moment, the San Francisco 49ers are now 1.5-point favorites over the Kansas City Chiefs.

Per DraftKings Sportsbook, San Francisco is -1.5 (-108) against Kansas City. The Chiefs are of course +1.5 (-112).

The Niners’ moneyline is -120, whereas the Chiefs’ moneyline is +100. The over-under point total is still stuck at 47.5 (O -108 / U -112).

BetMGM Bonus Code ESNY158: Bet $5, Get $158 Instant Bonus

BetMGM Sportsbook

States: NJ, PA, AZ, CO, IA, IL, IN, KS, LA, MA, MD, MI, OH, TN, VA, WV, WY / 21+ and present in Ohio. Gambling problem? Call 1-800-Gambler.

SIGNUP BONUS$1,500 First Bet Back Bonus

In addition to our tremendous DraftKings Promo Code, there’s another sportsbook making serious waves around Super Bowl time.

ESNY’s BetMGM Bonus Code is currently dishing out a Bet $5, Get $158 Instant Bonus for all new users. Simply use our offer, input promo code ESNY158, and make a first-time bet of at least $5.

From there, BetMGM does the rest, flooding your new account with a guaranteed $158 bonus, win or lose.