If New York Knicks superstar Carmelo Anthony is shopping in a store near you, he may just be wearing a custom bathrobe.

Picture this: You’re in aisle seven, slowly dragging your cart around looking for the right toilet paper – price and comfort, of course, in mind.

You turn left and see the man: New York Knicks superstar Carmelo Anthony. He’s also looking for the right toilet paper.

But instead of donning a suit, or even t-shirt, Melo is in aisle seven wearing a custom bathrobe.

This is the scenario for the shoppers at this store Melo and wife La La frequented recently.

As you can see in the video above, thanks to La La posting it on her Instagram, Melo enters the public wearing his custom bathrobe.

“You’re talking read aggressive, I’ll knock you out.”

That statement by La La to her bathrobe-wearing husband was simply the cherry on top of this story.

We now know who wears the pants in this family.

H/T Instagram, LaLa

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