The Yankees and Brewers were scheduled for an afternoon game on Saturday at Yankee Stadium. First pitch was supposed to happen at 1:05 p.m. ET, but the contest didn’t actually start until nearly 4 p.m. because of heavy rain and some hail.

The rain was so heavy, in fact, that Yankee Stadium turned into a river for a short period of time:

Not even the reporters in the press box were safe from Mother Nature’s wrath:

This will obviously happen anywhere if it rains hard enough for a long enough period of time. However, it’s still wild to see a $2 billion structure deal with something like this, right?

I haven’t seen any videos of what the Subway looked like during this downpour, but I’m sure those are pretty epic, too. If you see any, be sure to send them our way.

You can reach Matt Musico at You can follow him on Twitter: @mmusico8.