Super Bowl viewers are going to get a healthy dose of DraftKings during commercial breaks this year.

DraftKings, a fantasy sports and sports betting giant is going to run two, 15-second commercials during Super Bowl 55 that show players how to sign up for its fourth quarter prediction pool.

Per Ad Age, the two commercials will feature host Jessie Coffield and they will focus on DraftKings’ fourth-quarter pools. These free-to-enter pools will give players the chance to make predictions on different props and markets like which team will score the final points of the game and whether or not someone will catch a pass that goes for more than 20 yards.

Register with DraftKings to make big game predictions and claim an instant prize worth up to $25,000 by clicking here.

DraftKings Sportsbook Fourth Quarter Pool

There are tons of ways to win with DraftKings’ fourth-quarter pool. The winner or winners will get $1 million in payouts. Meanwhile, participants who don’t win the grand prize can still secure wins of anywhere between $3 and $25,000. And of course, entry is free so there is absolutely no risk involved.

“There’s tremendous momentum in not just fantasy sports, but also sports betting, which is open in 12 states and rapidly expanding throughout country,” Kalish told Ad Age.

The popularity of online sports betting and fantasy sports is rising all across the country, even in New York. That popularity will be relevant here, as bettors from all over will likely flock to sign up during Super Bowl 55.

Although lawmakers and Governor Andrew Cuomo are still going back and forth on how to launch New York online sports betting, there’s a strong chance that DraftKings Sportsbook is leading the charge in the Empire State.

Gov. Cuomo is pushing for a single-source model that would allow for one mobile operator to run all sports betting in the state. If that scenario happens, we expect to see DraftKings make a strong bid.

Lawmakers, on the other hand, are pushing for multiple skins in the state which would almost guarantee a spot at the table for DraftKings Sportsbook.

But New York politics aside, this is a major moment for DraftKings and sports betting in general. Only a few years ago, seeing an advertisement for sports betting during the Super Bowl would seem crazy.

Now, sports betting is woven into the fabric of professional sports in ways that never seemed possible. Instead of living on the fringes of sports coverage, gambling is front and center.

DraftKings Sportsbook’s Double Your Money Super Bowl 55 Promo

DraftKings Sportsbook is running great fourth-quarter pools, but they also have a no-brainer offer for new users on Super Bowl 55.

Anyone who signs up and deposits at least $5 into their account can grab +100 odds on either team to score a touchdown. You can double your money up to $50 if there is a touchdown scored.

With Patrick Mahomes and Tom Brady set to square off, this is essentially free money for bettors. DraftKings Sportsbook is running a bunch of different odds boosts and offers for existing users, but this double your money promo is one that only new users can grab.

If you haven’t signed up with DraftKings Sportsbook yet, there is no better time to get in on the action. They are giving away $50 in cold hard cash. This offer is available to new users from now until kickoff on Sunday.

Register with DraftKings to make big game predictions and claim an instant prize worth up to $25,000 by clicking here.