Alex Rodriguez announced that he will be going live on Instagram Monday to teach young ballplayers the “tricks of the trade.”

Alex Rodriguez couldn’t possibly let COVID-19 keep him from teaching people about baseball. So since social distancing concerns are preventing him from providing those lessons on the field, the former New York Yankee came up with another solution.

He’s announced that on Monday at 5:30 p.m. ET, he’ll be going live on Instagram for essentially a virtual instructional camp.

Well, chalk up another PR win for Rodriguez. I can’t even remember the last time this guy took a PR hit. Everything he’s done since retiring has launched him from baseball pariah to media superstar, and this is no different.

So while living in the social distancing world, kids can receive baseball tips from one of the greatest hitters of all time. They’ll get an inside look at what he did to maximize his talent and make it to the Major Leagues. More importantly, they’ll just be able to think about baseball again for a while. With all the insanity in our society today, we need America’s pastime now more than ever.

And since playing games is unsafe, listening to Rodriguez talk about the sport is as good as it comes.

For A-Rod, he’ll have the chance to discuss his favorite thing in the world. He loves the game so much. You can hear it in his voice when he discusses the art of hitting on ESPN broadcasts. It’s tough to imagine how difficult it is for someone like him to lose the game entirely for so long.

So this is a clear “two birds, one stone” type of situation. A-Rod will possess the opportunity to talk baseball and kids will be able to learn from one of the greatest.