Ben Zobrist filmed himself belting out the Frozen song with his young daughter. He might want to stick to his day job.

I’m usually the guy who brings the lighthearted stories to the table for you to read, and this definitely falls under that category. Except, this time, with this Ben Zobrist video, I don’t like it.

Is it my dislike for Zobrist? Is it my hate for Disney’s Frozen? Sorry to burst your bubble but Frozen is Disney’s most overrated movie. A good magician writer never reveals their secrets.

I’m not saying that Zobrist is a bad dad, so before you jump down my throat saying that he’s doing it for his daughter and yadda yadda yadda, I’ll say that he is probably a great dad. I just don’t like the move.

Get with the program, Ben. Singing Frozen songs was so 2014!

Maybe I’m just a grumpy guy, who knows. But I’ll take my Neil Walker over Zobrist any day. You can have your Frozen karaoke, Ben! I’ll take my 22 home runs from Walker.

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