Former Met and current SNY broadcaster Keith Hernandez is dealing with an injury he suffered after falling from the edge of his hot tub.

The Queens legend has “taken a bit of a tumble.”

According to SNY Mets broadcasters Gary Cohen and Ron Darling (who pitched for the team from 1983-91), fellow broadcaster and former player Keith Hernandez recently suffered an injury after falling from the edge of his hot tub. This apparently occurred when Keith was doing yard work at his home on Long Island.

Cohen revealed the news during the broadcast of the Mets’ Monday night win over Milwaukee.

“The way I understand it is, [Keith] was standing on the edge of his hot tub while pruning shears, pruning his roses, and he might’ve taken a bit of a tumble, grabbed for something on his way down that did not support him, and took a rather hard fall,” he said. “I am told that there was a trip to the emergency room and there were eight stitches in his big toe. So I don’t know if he’s gonna be in a wheelchair or if he’s gonna be on crutches.”

Hernandez is not in the booth for New York’s current home series against the Brewers, which continues Tuesday and concludes Wednesday. However, Keith will be back at Citi Field for the Mets’ upcoming four-game set with Pittsburgh beginning Thursday.

Regardless of the injury’s severity, Keith wasn’t sure he wanted his fellow announcers to spill the beans publicly.

“[SNY Mets producer] Gregg Picker said, ‘Well, what Keith said was, that if the guys want to talk about it, it’s okay,'” Cohen said. “The kicker was when Keith said, ‘You know, I’m not sure I want them to talk about it because I don’t always want it to be about me.”

“If there was ever a more un-self-aware quote — Keith, it’s always about you. And we like it that way,” Cohen additionally stated.