New York Mets starting pitcher Noah Syndergaard appropriately explains the Christmas rules surrounding the classic film “Die Hard.”

Finally, somebody steps up to the plate concerning the appropriate rules when categorizing Christmas movies.

New York Mets starting pitcher Noah Syndergaard dropped his own personal Christmas bomb on Tuesday.

1. Die Hard IS a Christmas Movie
2. I am not in Die Hard
Merry Christmas and Yippee Ki-Yay Mofo’s”

He’s right. Die Hard is, indeed, a Christmas movie. To what level you’d like to categorize it a Chrismas movie is one’s own personal choice.

Let’s be honest here, it’s simply an action movie taking place during Christmas time. On all Christmas-movie rankings, it appropriately takes a hit for that holiday plot fail.

There’s nothing wrong with labeling Die Hard a Chrismas movie.

Moreover, is Thor sure he wasn’t in the movie?

As I understand it, Thor is a purely mythical creature with superhuman powers unrealized to the rest of human civilization. On paper, Syndergaard was born on Aug. 29, 1992. Die Hard was seen on the big screen on July 15, 1988.

Wait a second … Die Hard was released in July yet the plot takes place during Christmas?

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What in the world were they doing in the 1980s? I was born in 1982, so at six-years-old, that sense is completely lost on me. But with this new information, it seems as though Syndergaard isn’t just dropping truths, he’s campaigning pretty hard to promote a Christmas vibe while creating the narrative that he wasn’t one of Bruce Willis’s evil opponents.

Judge for yourselves, folks. Truth bomb or campaign?