Some fans will make bad decisions at Super Bowl 50. But one fan basically sealed his divorce after spending 21K on tickets, without telling his wife.

By Chris Wengert

Some fans have spent crazy amounts of money on Super Bowl 50 tickets.

Every fan has their roof price that they would spend to see their favorite team win a championship.

And that’s all well and good, but how about Justin Kerrigan who spent $21,000 for him and his friends to see the big game.

Oh, and he didn’t tell his wife. Oh, and she’s not going.

Listen, I’d spend a lot of money to go see the New York Rangers play in Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals, but if I didn’t tell my wife-well let’s just say it would be bad.

And I’m sure things are going to be bad for Mr. Kerrigan, and the soon to be former Mrs. Kerrigan.

Dude, how did you think you were going to get away with this?

Come on Man!