To the surprise of some it was the champion Jose Aldo, not Connor McGregor, who mocked his opponent at the weigh-ins of UFC 194.

By Robby Sabo

Perhaps the only thing better than Dana White’s brilliant takeover of the UFC – actually making it a sport with real structure – is how he’s promoted. His promotions have led to hype, which in turn has led to dramatic weigh-in situations the night prior to the fight. Obviously, on the eve of UFC 194, that sentiment holds true.

The Featherweight Championship is up for grabs between two champions. The incumbent Jose Aldo comes in as the true champion, while the raging fan favorite Connor McGregor the interim.

Usually it’s the Irishman who creates the buzz. This time, however, Aldo decided to get things fiery.

During the face-off after weigh-ins, Aldo mocked McGregor’s patented karate stance:

At this point there’s only one thing left: to watch who becomes the undisputed champion on Saturday night.

H/T Fox Sports

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