(CAUTION: VIDEO IN ARTICLE CONTAINS PROFANITY THAT MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR SOME) Michigan Wolverines faithful react in utter disgust as their team commits the deadliest of sins, giving the Michigan State Spartans the win.

By Patrick Comia

Sometimes, you just gotta let your frustrations out. As passionate fans, who are loyal to our favorite teams, we live and die by their every move, every decision, every mistake.

We experience the highs and lows of our team’s performance, amped up by fellow fanatics who we maybe watching a sporting event.

Unfortunately, the bad came out for these fans watching the tail end of a college football game between the Michigan Wolverines and rival Michigan State Spartans.

In the dying seconds of the fourth quarter, the Wolverines, who were by two points, attempt to punt away the ball an settle things in overtime. What happens next was jaw-dropping:

The ending of this game brings back memories of the Stanford-California comeback in the 1980’s, where the famous, “The Band is on the Field” quote became famous.

The shock of the Wolverines losing in the last seconds reverberated in households everywhere, starting with the Big House:

This may have been termed: The Shock Heard Round the World!

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