New York Mets pitcher Matt Harvey went on a date with Victoria Secret model Adriana Lima in Miami and scored.

New York Mets pitcher Matt Harvey still has game and just hit a home run.

Harvey went on a date with Victoria’s Secret model Adriana Lima on Wednesday in Miami. The couple arrived at the River Yacht Club by yacht (how else would they arrive at a yacht club?) and they had champagne, margaritas, and oysters, according to Laura Itallano of Page Six.One spy said they laughed and caressed each other throughout the date.

The spy also said that they couldn’t keep their hands off each other and they groped each other like high school students. The couple even left an $85 tip.

“Adriana is dating and keeping things light!” a source told E! News. “She enjoys meeting new people and good dinners with friends. Her main focus is work and her family.She is not looking for anything serious at this time and is just enjoying herself.”

Lima apparently has a thing for athletes because Harvey isn’t the only athlete that she has dated. She dated former New York Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter in 2006 and married former Los Angeles Clippers shooting guard Marko Jarić in 2009, but they split up in 2014. Lima recently ended her relationship with New England Patriots receiver Julian Edelman.

Harvey has date models before. He has been romantically linked to Ania Cywinska, Ashley Hass, Asha Leo, Shannon Rusbuldt, Anne Vyalitsyna, and Devon Windsor in the past.

Congrats Matt on getting Adriana and good luck.